I know it’s been a while! We’ve had a lot going on in the past couple of months and I haven’t had time to write! That’s not to say we haven’t been doing projects around the house though. Since Nathaniel has been back from his work trips, we’ve been able to consistently get at least one thing done every week! Though they may be small, its one more thing we can cross off our list! I think we found our groove, and as long as we focus on just one little task a week, we’ll keep on truckin’ to making this house a home.
Here’s our new/old red dutch door! It took about 7 coats of paint lol! I love it, and I think it ties in our country-cottage-kitchen feel we’re going for!
We’ve also added trim to all our doors! Yay! This may seem pretty easy, but it actually took us almost all day. We had to sand, paint, fit, and then hang all these little pieces. It really does make the house look more complete though!
I’ve also been working on the bedroom that’s off the kitchen. Ugh, how I hate going through boxes and storage. I’ve managed to compile and organize most of it though. Here’s a before shot of what I’m working with. I don’t have a finished photo just yet, but we do have our guest bed in there now. Eventually I want to paint or remove the “awesome” wood paneling. For now though, we’ll live with it and enjoy all of it’s cabin feel.
Another on going project we have is this awesome hutch! Our friends, Amy and Bryan, actually found it next to their dumpster one morning and called us up asking if it was something we might want. Well of course! It’s super cute, and we are planning on white-washing it once its all sanded down. I’ve started to sand the face of it, but didn’t quite finish as it was 100 degrees that day! lol. Can’t wait til it’s done though, we’re planning on putting it in the kitchen!
And last but certainly not least is the kitchen sink. Ugh, how this thing has been a pain for me!! As we mentioned before, this house was built in 1956 and it really hasn’t been updated since then. That means we have some plumbing and stuff that hasn’t been upgraded either. Soooo old plumbing + lots of nasty food particles = sink problems. Every time I tried to do the dishes, it would clog and take forever to drain (which would just make me not want to cook all together, because who wants to do dishes in a sink that has an inch of dirty water pooling at the bottom?!?). So yesterday we had a full free day to tackle this task, and when I say “we” I actually mean Nathaniel, I was mainly there for moral support and to grab the wrench when needed. Nathaniel’s parents also found us an awesome garbage disposal so we wanted to install that as well.
Nathaniel had to uninstall all the old pipes and even take down the dry wall to see what was really going on back there. After half the day under the sink, 1 trip to Harbor Freight Tools, 1 trip to Home Depot, a pit stop at In-N-Out, and then back under the sink until 9:30pm, its finally up and running! And the garbage disposal works awesome! Pretty proud of my man. I’m always in “ahh” that he can figure out how to do just about anything, and also manage to stay patient and calm when I ask him a million questions about, “how this works” or “why do you have to do that.”
That’s all I got for today! Here’s a nice little picture I took one day after work. I love our little piece of land, and still can’t believe it’s “ours.”