It still amazes me when an impossible task becomes possible. A few weeks ago we decided to start tearing down our out-buildings, and what seemed like an overwhelming job has now become just another thing we can cross off our list. I had never in my life torn down any such building from start to finish. I didn’t even know where to begin. I see this 10 foot structure towering over me, and in my mind I’m thinking, we need a bulldozer and some kind of fierce force to take it down. But apparently, all you need is a pry bar and a hammer, literally. After about 7 hours, and nice tank top sunburn on a Sunday, we pretty much demolished all of the walls and roof of the big red barn. It was pretty cool. Nathaniel took to pulling out all the nails holding the ply wood and roof together and I used the sledge hammer to bust out all the 2×4’s. We decided that I just like to smash things, hehe. We managed to save a lot of the 2×4’s so we can re-purpose them for the chicken coop that needs to be finished in the next month. I’m really excited to start clearing out the space!
We also took down a smaller out-building while taking a “break” from big red. That thing came down, no problem.